Competent Conversation Training
The aim of the course is to deepen the aviation-specific English language skills of aviation stakeholders, to refine technical knowledge and to strengthen the participants' competent appearance in an international environment.
Each of the six modules comprises a self-contained unit in which the module-specific topics are intensified with role plays and group work. Testimonials and situations experienced by the participants in their daily work are taken up and actively woven into the topics.
In the Crew Resource Management modules, particular attention is paid to interpersonal factors. The following focal points can be dealt with and adapted here:
- Stress
- Cultural differences
- Workload
- Leadership / Followership
- Situational Awareness
- Teamwork
- Communication skills
- Threat and Error Management
The preparation and examination for ICAO Language Level 4 is offered in one, primarily the last of the six modules.
On all training days, the trained flight captain and trainer and the participants are in close, safe contact. This promotes the competence of the participants and overcomes any hurdles that may arise during their daily work.
Course Details
Provider:airsight GmbH
Course Content
The module content can be adapted, combined and repeated according to the customer's wishes.
Module 1 “English Refresher”
- Review grammar skills, sentence structure
- Basic vocabulary und update
- Technical vocabulary
- Language difficulties
- Conversation
- Daily toolkit
- Dialogue (listening / difficult situations)
- Phone calls
Module 2 “Technical Training”
- Knowledge review
- Type specific differences
- Aircraft types
- Cockpit warning systems
- Flight controls
- Operational differences
- Walkaround issues
- Damage handling
- Dripping fluids / fuel frost
- Legal background
- Documentation (MEL, damage chart, Technical Logbook, Outlook)
Module 3 “Crew Resource Management Training - Part 1”
- Introduction and Basics
- History
- Communication
- Human Factors
- Cultural differences
- Stress
- Threat and Error Management
- Scenario based training
- Scenario based toolkit
Module 4 “Crew Resource Management Training - Part 2”
- Introduction and Basics
- Stress
- Situational awareness
- Workload
- Leadership
- Scenario based training
- Scenario based toolkit
Module 5 “Procedure Training”
- Preflight
- Fuel planning
- Performance, Take Off
- Weather conditions
- Handling of incidents
- Technical finding
- Communication procedures
- Scenario based training
Module 6 “Examination Preparation”
- Detailed exam preparation
- Listening / reading
- Conversation
- Repetition
- Exam
Cornelius Gundlach, Captain Boeing 737
Cornelius began his career in business aviation, where he gained extensive experience both in the cockpit and in flight operations. After joining a major German airline, he continued to work in these areas and was responsible for the fleet's technical documentation, among other things. In addition to these tasks, Cornelius devoted himself to the area of training. As a flight captain and ground instructor, he trained numerous cockpit and cabin crew members in flight safety and operations.
After transitioning to a major European airline, Cornelius continues to lead training in flight simulators, where he and his team focus particularly on Crew Resource Management (CRM) for both aspiring and experienced pilots.
As the lead instructor of this team, he provides customised training solutions to meet the specific needs of clients. With 14 years of expertise in flight operations, flying personnel training and cockpit, Cornelius stands for team-oriented and efficient solutions.
Target Group
- Air Traffic Control Staff
- CAA Staff
- Aerodrome Operators
- Aerodrome Management
- Aerodrome Operational Staff
Organisational Details
airsight offers this training course on request, worldwide. At the end of the course, all participants will receive an airsight certificate based on EASA training regulations, which is highly recognised throughout the aviation industry.
About airsight Training

airsight Training course quality
airsight operates an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System and pursues the objective to provide high quality services that fully meet the clients’ needs.