Provision of Temporary Staff to Airports and CAAs
Most aerodromes and civil aviation authorities are facing situations where they do not have the required manpower resources or the skills to conduct a project or solve issues. To fill in such resource gaps, airsight is providing since many years its own consultants as temporary staff to its clients, for days, weeks – or even months.
airsight consultants are highly-specialised in their fields of expertise, e.g. aerodrome safety or certification, airport planning and operations, aerodrome safeguarding and flight procedure design. Also, airsight has acquired over the years a unique network of external consultants and managers, today also working at higher management levels in the aviation industry.
Our clients do not only come to airsight for interim staff to bridge a resource gap, but for the value we add to their daily business, e.g.:
- Direct expertise based on international best-practices acquired in more than hundreds of technical projects for other clients
- Knowledge-transfer, airsight’s experts mentoring and training on-the-job client’s internal teams or divisions
- Fast provision of staff within days or weeks, as opposed to months or years with complex recruiting process
- Specialised know-how in a large variety of topics: from aircraft de-icing to rescue and fire-fighting, etc.
- Top executive managers to help clients restructure their organisation and operations
- Cutting-edge knowledge based on well trained personnel and an active participation in international working groups, research projects or other initiatives aiming to develop aviation industry and the regulatory framework
airsight has provided interim managers or technical resources for diverse projects such as:
- Redesign and optimization of airside infrastructures including transfer of knowledge in the field of airside planning (for several international airports)
- Support of oversight experts for the auditing of aerodromes to several German Civil Aviation Authorities
- Planning, control and monitoring of airside works with a focus on the safety of air operations during the construction of a new terminal and associated airside facilities
- Implementation of a Safety Management System and building of a local team in the Middle East
- Aerodrome certification support prior to a pre-audit of the responsible Civil Aviation Authority
- Reorganisation of airport operations and training of future local management
- Continuous on-site support for Airport’s operational and planning departments
Do you need temporary staff, or want to apply as an expert in airsight pool? Feel free to contact us at
Key Facts