Offshore Helideck Inspections
There is today an extensive expansion of offshore wind turbines, especially in Europe in the North Sea and Baltic Sea areas. As the turbines are located further and further away from the mainland, the crew transport by ship or CTV (crew transfer vessels) is very time-consuming. The solution is to perform crew transport via helicopter to helidecks mounted on the platforms. Such helideck has however to be initially certified and requires an annual inspection as part of their maintenance program.
Depending on the location of the platform and the helideck, a wide variety of regulations have to be followed. In addition to ICAO Annex 14 Volume II Heliports and ICAO Doc 9261 Heliport Manual, airsight applies other national guidelines for the inspections, such as CAP 437 (Standards for offshore helicopter landing areas, UK) or AVV No. 246a (Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Genehmigung der Anlage und des Betriebs von Hubschrauberflugplätzen, Germany), in their respective current versions, to maintain the compliance status.
airsight's team, consisting of aviation experts with many years of experience, assists its clients in the implementation of certification inspections and supports them with expert opinions in obtaining and maintaining certification with the relevant authorities.
Within the scope of new projects and helidecks, airsight also provides support in the execution of factory acceptance tests (FAT), side acceptance tests (SAT) and friction testing from the aviation-specific point of view prior to the certification and beyond.
airsight aeronautical inspections services also include winching areas on wind turbines: inspections are conducted to ensure safe and cost-efficient operation of helidecks and winching areas and facilitate the working conditions in the offshore sector for our clients.
airsight's services around offshore helidecks and winching areas:
- Offshore Inspections: Inspections of existing offshore helidecks and winching areas on wind turbines
- FAT and SAT, friction testing: Conducting factory acceptance tests and side acceptance tests for new projects and helidecks as well as friction testing
- Achieving and maintaining the compliance status: airsight uses multiple regulations to ensure safe and compliant operations of your helideck, e.g. ICAO Annex 14 Volume II, ICAO Doc 9261, CAP 437, AVV 246a
Our offshore experts are certified for offshore operations according to Global Wind Organisation (GWO) Basic Training Standard.
Key Facts