Obstacle Assessment and Flight Procedure Design in Dubai
Skydive Dubai
Dubai is rapidly emerging as a global powerhouse, transforming from a desert city into a vibrant metropolis. Known for its futuristic skyline, Dubai is home to some of the world’s most iconic structures, including the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building on the planet.
Located within the city of Dubai, Skydive Dubai welcomes skydiving enthusiasts from around the world. The highlight of Skydive Dubai’s Palm Dropzone is the stunning view of the iconic Palm Jumeirah island.
As the skyline continues to grow and reaches new heights, flight operations at Skydive Dubai become more challenging. Safe aircraft operations require permanent monitoring and assessment of the environment surrounding an aerodrome from developments and activities that may have adverse effects.
airsight supports Skydive Dubai and local authorities by assessing the demanding obstacle rich environment and by developing flight procedures and aeronautical charts.
This serves the purpose of ensuring safety of skydivers and the community for current and future operations.
airsight assists aerodromes, air navigation service providers and civil aviation authorities with its expertise and services regarding aerodrome safeguarding and flight procedure design meeting the specific stakeholder requirements.
If you have a related project that you would like to discuss with us, feel free to contact us via e-mail or visit our aerodrome safeguarding page.
Key Facts