Mapping of Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) and infringements
Berlin Tegel Airport
Safe airport operations require a permanent monitoring and assessment of possible infringements of the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces, as prescribed in the relevant regulations such as ICAO Annex 14 and EASA CS-ADR-DSN.
The assessment of obstacles on and around airports and their impact on flight operational safety is a core competency of airsight. airsight also excels in the processing and visualisation of a large amount of safety-critical data for airports worldwide.
airsight also offers a training course on Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and has wide-ranging experience in this area. Our Safeguarding & Flight Procedure Design Team is happy to help you with your challenges in that matter - just check our our dedicated Aerodrome Safeguarding page for more information or contact us through our contact form.
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