Managing Helicopter Downwash Risks Near Hospitals
Understanding the Risks of Helicopter Downwash
Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) play a critical role in transporting patients to hospitals quickly. However, helicopter downwash—a strong flow of air generated by the rotors—can create significant safety hazards, particularly in areas surrounding hospital landing sites. A tragic accident in the UK highlighted these risks when a Sikorsky S92A helicopter’s landing downwash caused severe injuries to bystanders in a nearby car park, one of whom later passed away.
Key Safety Challenges at Hospital Heliports
Many hospital heliports, particularly older ones, were designed without a comprehensive risk assessment for the impact of helicopter downwash on nearby public areas. Additionally, many hospital staff managing these sites lack formal training in heliport operations, which can lead to miscommunication between hospital personnel and helicopter operators. Despite the availability of updated safety standards, such as the UK CAA’s CAP 1264, existing sites are often not required to comply retroactively, leaving potential hazards unaddressed.
Investigations into past incidents have shown recurring issues, including:
Lack of formal risk assessments for areas adjacent to landing sites
Ineffective communication between hospital staff and helicopter operators
Insufficient measures to manage pedestrian and vehicle movement during landings
Absence of standardised procedures for securing high-risk areas
Best Practices for Heliport Safety Management
To ensure the safe operation of heliports, hospitals and heliport operators should implement comprehensive risk assessments and robust operational procedures. Key mitigation measures include:
Establishing clear safety perimeters around landing sites
Implementing controlled pedestrian and vehicle access during landings
Training hospital staff in heliport operations and risk management
Installing warning signs, audible alerts, and designated viewing areas for bystanders
How airsight Supports Heliport Safety
As a globally recognised expert in aviation safety, airsight offers tailored solutions to mitigate risks at hospital heliports. Our specialists conduct detailed hazard and risk assessments, ensuring compliance with national and international safety standards. Through systematic aeronautical studies, we help operators identify risks, develop practical mitigation strategies, and optimise heliport operations.
Our services include:
Heliport safety assessments and risk evaluations
Compliance checks with ICAO, EASA, UK CAP, and national regulations
Operational planning and procedural optimisation for heliports
Training programmes for hospital and heliport personnel
Ensuring Safe and Compliant Heliport Operations
The risks associated with helicopter downwash require proactive management and expert-driven solutions. Whether it’s assessing existing sites or planning new heliports, airsight provides comprehensive support to enhance operational safety and regulatory compliance. Contact airsight today to learn how our expertise can help improve the safety and efficiency of your heliport operations.
Key Facts