Compliance Assessment of Mahé Airport’s lighting, signs and electrical systems
Seychelles CAA
Seychelles International Airport, located on the on the island of Mahé, connects Seychelles to Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East as well as inter-island travels.
The competent Civil Aviation Authority, Seychelles CAA, commissioned airsight to conduct an assessment of the compliance of Seychelles International Airport against EU / EASA requirements related to lighting, signs and electrical systems.
In total, more than 170 elements were inspected: the scope of the assessment included safety critical elements, such as approach lightings, runway and taxiways lights, stop bars, electrical power supply systems, apron floodlighting, etc.
To make such project efficient, airsight developed and uses comprehensive check-lists based on the applicable regulations, clearly organised around topics and nature of the requirements. Most of such assessment is conducted off-site, on the basis of available documentation, and is completed by an on-site inspection.
The auditing and/or compliance assessment of aerodrome infrastructure, equipment and operations often requires in-depth knowledge of numerous diverse topics, which is costly and difficult to acquire and maintain especially for small organisations. It is therefore a cost efficient alternative for both airports and competent authorities to allocate certain tasks to external experts (acting e.g. as qualified entities).
airsight very often act on behalf of the authorities to provide specific support within the certification procedures. For more information, please contact us (email:
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