Aircraft Noise Site Evaluation for Real Estate in the Vicinity of Airports
Aircraft noise is regularly cited by leading credit institutions as a risk factor in the development and purchase/sale of real estate. Due to the densification of public space in city centres, more and more residential construction projects are also being planned in peripheral areas of cities and conurbations, and are therefore often located in the approach and departure areas of airports. The future development of air traffic on the one hand and the increasing sensitivity of the population to aircraft noise on the other can therefore lead to conflicting goals and affect the attractiveness of locations and ultimately the value of real estate.
Based on our many years of expertise in the field of aircraft noise calculation and assessment, we offer real estate project developers, property developers, and buyers and sellers of real estate aircraft noise-specific location analyses. Typical questions from clients are:
How high is the expected aircraft noise exposure in the interior and exterior of the property?
How often did aircraft fly over the (planned) property in the past and at what altitude?
How is the property located in relation to typical approach and departure routes of the airport and the established noise protection areas?
Our site analysis provides clients with detailed information about the current and future aircraft noise pollution and aircraft noise-specific characteristics such as flight altitudes and frequencies, as well as specific noise level data. This data can then be taken into account in the property valuation and in turn influence the value of the property.
airsight offers the following services:
Analysis of noise maps at airports
Analysis of flight operations, including the evaluation of flight tracks (radar data)
Evaluation of aircraft noise measurement data (if available and with local reference)
Aircraft noise calculation and determination of noise indicators
Do you need an aircraft noise analysis for your location or would you like to discuss your project plans with us? Contact us or visit our Sustainable Aviation website.
Key Facts