Aeronautical Study & Safety Evaluation for the Planned New ATC Tower
Irish Aviation Authority
On behalf of the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), airsight – together with Aviation Solutions – analysed the impact of a new 100m high control tower building with respect to safety and operational aspects. A special focus was set on the construction phase of the building (e.g. effect of cranes).
The safety analysis covered the compliance verification of the new tower according to different international aviation regulations (ICAO Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces, ICAO PANS-OPS Surfaces) as well as a quantitative analysis of the risk of aircraft collision based on the ICAO Collision Risk Model. In addition, the analysis covered the various requirements by ICAO PANS-ATM and included analyses of the line-of-sight, the floor space and the controller working positions and the CNS / ATM Equipment.
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Irish Aviation Authority