Aeronautical Study for bulk-fuel storage tanks in the vicinity of active runway
New facilities in the vicinity of aerodromes can represent a physical obstacle which could possibly infringe Obstacle Limitation Surfaces. To maintain the necessary level of safety, permanent monitoring and assessment of any infringements or changes to airport operations are required.
airsight has carried out an aeronautical study for an international aerodrome where new bulk fuel storage tanks are proposed to be located close to existing facilities (hangars and maintenance buildings) and near an active runway and approach path. As the proposed facilities represent a change at the aerodrome, an aeronautical study is required as per ICAO / EASA regulations.
The purpose of an aeronautical study is to provide a systematic evaluation and assessment to ensure that the safety of flight and airport operations is not compromised. The applied methodology is based on European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines.
Based on the results of a hazard identification exercise related to possible infringements of applicable surfaces as prescribed in ICAO Annex 14 and PANS-OPS, a risk assessment was performed determining the risk of collision between an aircraft and the proposed facilities using statistical models as well as experts’ opinions and workshops.
For such a complex infrastructural project, a range of factors has to be considered. While some aspects related to CNS compatibility, secondary events and special emergency procedures were managed by the aerodrome operator itself, airsight focused on the impact of the new facilities and its construction (cranes) on instrument or visual flight procedures in compliance with EASA and ICAO requirements, and associated risk of collision.
The study enabled the proposed construction to go ahead, provided certain conditions are met and mitigating measures implemented.
The assessment of obstacles around airports and their impact on flight operational safety is one of airsight’s core competencies. Our experts have wide ranging experience in this field, carrying out safety assessments and aeronautical studies for major European airports as well as worldwide. Furthermore, airsight is advisor to the ICAO Instrument Flight Procedure Panel and provides training courses on obstacle assessment and flight procedures design for aviation experts.