Betriebliche Anforderungen und Best Practices für Bodenabfertigungsdienstleister

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Diana Lünse
Diana LünseLeitung Lehrgänge
+49 30

Numerous regulatory entities involved in the Aviation Industry have developed over the years procedures, recommendations, rules, regulations to maintain the highest levels of safety during ground operations. ICAO, IATA, EASA, all have published over time specific documentation with the aim of helping the industry to move towards the application of the best practices, towards the harmonization and standardization of procedures and rules all over the world. This process is under the push to continuous improvement from the major regulatory agencies and entities. 

Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA), Aerodrome Operators, and Ground Handling Organisations (GHO) are all involved in this mission of increasing the level of safety in their operations, with the aim of decreasing safety occurrences that lead to damage of aircraft, equipment and facilities, and to injuries to personnel.  
This 2-day course is intended to give a deep insight on what are the standards and best practices recommended by the most important regulatory bodies, to widely compare the differences or similarities of the most important publications, and to give proper indications on the “how to do it”, but also on the “how to observe and inspect it”. It is therefore meant to give practical guidance and strengthen the knowledge on safety rules in ground handling to anyone belonging to CAAs, ADR Operators, GHOs or other parties involved in ground handling.  

This course will provide an operational and practical perspective on Ground Handling. Interested parties requiring detailed training on the upcoming EU/EASA Rules on Ground Handling and their relation to existing Regulations (e.g. (EU) 139/2014) should consider attending airsight’s course “Regulatory Requirements for Providers of Ground-Handling Services”.  


Ort:Rome Fiumicino
Datum:11.09. - 12.09.2025
Dauer:2 Tage
Anbieter:airsight Italy Srl


Die Kursgebühr umfasst die Teilnahme am Lehrgang, das Kursmaterial sowie für nicht-virtuelle Kurse die Verpflegung während des Lehrgangs (Kaffeepausen und Business Lunch).

1.600,00 EUR
exkl. MwSt
1.440,00 EUR
inkl. MwSt
1.756,80 EUR

Für Kurse in Italien: Allen Kunden werden 22% Mehrwertsteuer berechnet, falls zutreffend. Der Endpreis wird auf Ihrer Rechnung ausgewiesen.
Hinweis: Wenn Sie mehrere Teilnehmer anmelden wollen, aber einzelne Rechnungen für jeden benötigen, melden Sie bitte jeden Teilnehmer separat an.


This course will be held in English. Anmeldung


Existing Ground Handling Requirements and Guidelines 

  • Safety guidance for Ground Handling Services (GHS) and Service Providers (GHSP) 
  • ICAO Annex 14 — Aerodromes 
  • Annex 19 — Safety Management
  • Doc 10121 — Manual on Ground Handling  
  • IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) and IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM)  
  • EASA Opinion 01/2024 Ground Handling Regulations
  • Regulation 139/2014 for Aerodromes and aerodrome operators
  • Regulation 965/2012 for Air Operations and Operators – ground handling and quality management requirements

Subjects of Focus  

  • Responsibilities identified by the regulatory entities 
  • Safety general rules, safety culture philosophy 
  • The 4 principles of the safety circle 
  • Management System & Reporting Requirements  
  • How to write, edit and implement Ground Operations procedures 
  • How to observe, evaluate, assess, audit and inspect the implementation of procedures 
  • Key elements of the different areas of ground ops: 
    • Passenger & Baggage Handling 
    • Cargo and Mail Handling 
    • Dangerous Goods handling 
    • Aircraft Ground Movement 
    • Turnaround Activities 
    • Aircraft Servicing 
    • Operation and Maintenance of Ground Servicing Equipment (GSE) 
    • Vehicle and GSE driving rules and safety recommendations 
    • Training Programs (e.g. Competence-based Training) build-up 

Specific Examples & Case Studies 
Examples will be presented for more detailed discussion concerning the application of the presented standards, related to the areas of ground operations as listed above, with special focus on the different phases of developing robust and safe ground handling processes: 

  • Basic Airside Safety  
  • Aircraft ground movement dangers 
  • Human Factors 
  • Monitoring of Subcontracted activities 
  • Examples/cases proposed by the participants 


Marta Mottola

Marta is an experienced aviation consultant with a varied skill set ranging from airport safety and ground operations to Italian/English translation activities, to training and counseling and even to a life-long theatrical experience. She is an IATA-certified Auditor within the ISAGO Program for Ground Service providers and thus a Ground Operations, Safety and SMS expert and trainer. In airsight Marta Mottola works as a trainer in “Aerodrome Instructors & Assessors” training courses and as a consultant in safety and training program projects. 

Andrea Carraretto

Andrea Carraretto holds a degree in Aeronautical Transport Sciences and Technologies. He also holds a private pilot license for aircraft and has experience as a teacher both in academic institutions and at airport operators, where he served as an instructor or ground operations. 

Andrea Carraretto has been involved in the management of operational activities aimed at enhancing safety levels and operational efficiency. He has collaborated in modernizing and improving operational systems. 

Andrea Carraretto has collaborated with senior management at the international airport, contributing as auditor to the execution of compliance monitoring, conducting surveys on ground operations and participating in the development of emergency response planning. Since 2024, he has been a part of the airsight Italy team as an Senior Consultant. 


  • GHSPs’ managers 
  • GHSPs’ employees involved in or responsible for the implementation of those operational procedures  
  • GHSPs’ employees with responsibilities related to the inspection, oversight and monitoring activities
  • Aerodrome Operators  
  • Competent Authority Managers and Inspectors
  • Auditors/Inspectors  


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Participants are responsible for organizing the trip. Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participants. Please note that airsight does not make any travel or hotel bookings for participants. Rooms can be booked directly by participants by contacting the hotel.

Organisatorische Details

Die Tagungszeiten sind wie folgt gestaffelt:

erster Lehrgangstag: 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
folgende Lehrgangstage: 9.00 - 17.00 Uhr

Die Verpflegung während des Lehrgangs (Kaffeepausen und Business Lunch) ist in der Kursgebühr enthalten. Nach erfolgreicher Kursteilnahme erhalten alle Teilnehmer ein airsight-Zertifikat nach EASA-Trainingsregularien, welches weltweit in der Luftfahrtbranche anerkannt ist.

This course will be held in English. Anmeldung

Über unsere Lehrgänge

Zertifizierte Qualität

airsight verfügt über ein nach ISO 9001 zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Maximierung des Kundennutzens steht. Wir arbeiten ständig an Verbesserungen – so auch bei unseren Lehrgängen, die wir auch anhand des Teilnehmerfeedbacks kontinuierlich optimieren.



Sprache:Englisch / Italienisch
Dauer:2 Tage
Anbieter:airsight Italy Srl


Existing Ground Handling Requirements and Guidelines 

  • Safety guidance for Ground Handling Services (GHS) and Service Providers (GHSP) 
  • ICAO Annex 14 — Aerodromes 
  • Annex 19 — Safety Management
  • Doc 10121 — Manual on Ground Handling  
  • IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) and IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM)  
  • EASA Opinion 01/2024 Ground Handling Regulations
  • Regulation 139/2014 for Aerodromes and aerodrome operators
  • Regulation 965/2012 for Air Operations and Operators – ground handling and quality management requirements

Subjects of Focus  

  • Responsibilities identified by the regulatory entities 
  • Safety general rules, safety culture philosophy 
  • The 4 principles of the safety circle 
  • Management System & Reporting Requirements  
  • How to write, edit and implement Ground Operations procedures 
  • How to observe, evaluate, assess, audit and inspect the implementation of procedures 
  • Key elements of the different areas of ground ops: 
    • Passenger & Baggage Handling 
    • Cargo and Mail Handling 
    • Dangerous Goods handling 
    • Aircraft Ground Movement 
    • Turnaround Activities 
    • Aircraft Servicing 
    • Operation and Maintenance of Ground Servicing Equipment (GSE) 
    • Vehicle and GSE driving rules and safety recommendations 
    • Training Programs (e.g. Competence-based Training) build-up 

Specific Examples & Case Studies 
Examples will be presented for more detailed discussion concerning the application of the presented standards, related to the areas of ground operations as listed above, with special focus on the different phases of developing robust and safe ground handling processes: 

  • Basic Airside Safety  
  • Aircraft ground movement dangers 
  • Human Factors 
  • Monitoring of Subcontracted activities 
  • Examples/cases proposed by the participants 


Marta Mottola

Marta is an experienced aviation consultant with a varied skill set ranging from airport safety and ground operations to Italian/English translation activities, to training and counseling and even to a life-long theatrical experience. She is an IATA-certified Auditor within the ISAGO Program for Ground Service providers and thus a Ground Operations, Safety and SMS expert and trainer. In airsight Marta Mottola works as a trainer in “Aerodrome Instructors & Assessors” training courses and as a consultant in safety and training program projects. 


  • GHSPs’ managers 
  • GHSPs’ employees involved in or responsible for the implementation of those operational procedures  
  • GHSPs’ employees with responsibilities related to the inspection, oversight and monitoring activities
  • Aerodrome Operators  
  • Competent Authority Managers and Inspectors
  • Auditors/Inspectors  

Organisatorische Details

airsight bietet diesen Lehrgang auf Anfrage als In-House-Schulung an.

Nach erfolgreicher Kursteilnahme erhalten alle Teilnehmer ein airsight-Zertifikat nach EASA-Trainingsregularien, welches weltweit in der Luftfahrtbranche anerkannt ist.

Über unsere Lehrgänge

Zertifizierte Qualität

airsight verfügt über ein nach ISO 9001 zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Maximierung des Kundennutzens steht. Wir arbeiten ständig an Verbesserungen – so auch bei unseren Lehrgängen, die wir auch anhand des Teilnehmerfeedbacks kontinuierlich optimieren.
