Aerodromes are required to develop or adapt their infrastructure to meet growing traffic demand and a continuously evolving aircraft fleet. This planning exercise is complex, as it requires to take into account numerous legal requirements, as well as the aerodromes' short and long-term strategy and objectives.
airsight has extensive knowledge in national and international specifications for the planning, design and operations for aerodromes. This includes, of course, ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, EASA Certification Specifications, as well as related guidance material, best-practices and different national requirements.
Our unique, holistic approach enables us to assist small aerodromes as well as large international airports in designing aircraft movement areas (runways, taxiway, aprons), while managing compliance, and optimising capacity and maximising the level of safety.
Aerodrome Infrastructure Design
Planning and design of airfield infrastructure and associated elements in line with international industry best practice.
Strategic Planning Services
airsight offers a diverse range of airport planning services lending support with strategic design decisions or detailed planning questions.

airsight provides technical engineering, planning and legal expertise that supports complex airport development projects.
This inludes the preparation of technically sound master plans for airport infrastructure enhancements based on a careful balance between safety objectives and operational effectiveness and taking into consideration infrastructure, operating or phasing alternatives to meet traffic demand.
Strategic planning is linked to an airport’s business plan and defines a set of agreed principles on how future development will be brought forward. Technical reviews validate regulatory compliance, capacity and service levels as well as phasing and capital expenditure programmes of planned infrastructure developments.
Technical Planning Services
airsight offers an interdisciplinary approach to airport planning and conducts detailed technical studies and a wide range of specialised engineering services for aerodrome operators.
Aerodrome pavement has to be sufficiently well-constructed and maintained to support the dynamic and static loads imposed by aircraft during take-off, landing and taxiing manoeuvres as well as when parked on stand.
airsight and its partners provide services for assessing and monitoring pavement conditions and to develop strategic plans to maximise structural soundness and lifetime of the paved surfaces. Our services are wide ranging and include visual inspections (PCI assessment), diverse methods (Falling Weight Deflectometer - FWD) and laboratory tests.
An aerodrome consists of complex and interrelated elements. airsight excels in the conceptual planning of these elements, and is one of airport operator's first advisor in this field, and has demonstrated experience in the planning of e.g.:
- De-icing pads
- Underground fuelling facilities
- Air Traffic Control or Apron Towers (incl. remote towers)
- Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services stations
- Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB)
- Visual Docking Guidance Systems (VDGS)
- Communication, Navigation & Surveillance equipment (CNS)
- Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)
- Apron Floodlighting
- Jet Blast Fences
Innovative systems can greatly improve the efficiency and safety of airport operations. airsight assits clients in selecting the most promising technology and prioritising investment, assessing the feasibility as well as developing operational implementation concepts. Selected references include:
- Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)
- A-SMGCS / Follow-the-Greens
- Remote Apron Control
- Runway anti-skid / special coating
- FOD Detection Systems
- Drone monitoring and prevention systems
Selected Clients

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How we work
Detailed knowledge of national and international regulations through many years of experiences in aviation projects, consulting and teaching activities
Dedicated and highly qualified team of experts with extensive references on safety assessments, flight operations/procedures as well as obstacle assessments
Worldwide experience in dealing with National Aviation Authorities (incl. military) as well as projects involving stakeholders with diverging interests.
ISO9001:2015 certified Quality Management System to ensure maximum client satisfaction and efficient standardised work processes.