Recently, airsight has worked successfully on a number of safety projects, optimising different aspects of aerodrome airside assets. A criticial but neutral review of an aerodrome´s airfield layout can be crucial to improve both safety and efficiency of air operations. The relatively low period of traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic may be a good opportunity to tackle possible inconsistencies in the taxiway system – and airsight is here to help!
Check out our <link https: t viewemail d d88cfd1a46b605fe2540ef23f30feded external-link-new-window project>most recent project newsletter covering articles on apron & runway rehabilitation and airside system review and optimisation – and of course, feel free to contact us any time to discuss the challenges you are facing.
If you do not want to miss out on future news from airsight, please <link https: newsletter external-link-new-window to airsight>subscribe to our newsletter here.