After the introduction of apron management service and several other safety-related requirements for affected EU Aerodromes in 2020 and 2021, the EU and EASA have continued on their path to develop and update the EU/EASA aerodrome rules. In 2022, three regulations and three decisions have been published, introducing new and addressing existing aerodrome requirements regarding e.g. SNOWTAM, information security and all-weather operations.
While some amendments are applicable shortly after their publication date, some amendments have applicability dates in the future (transition periods), such as Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 regarding management of information security risks, applying from 16th October 2025.
To keep track of the amendments, airsight maintains an up-to-date list of recent amendments to the aerodrome rules (namely Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 + AMC/GM, CS-ADR-DSN) including the applicability date, a short summary of the changes and links to the website of the official publication. Feel free to visit our airsight Aerodrome Regulations Calendar!
In case you want to learn more about the amendments of the EU/EASA aerodrome requirements: As a renowned airport training provider, airsight offers the one-day virtual training course “Briefing on EU and EASA Aerodrome Requirements – Updates and Changes”.