airsight is happy to announce that the <link training schedule>new course schedule for 2018 is now available online. As always, you will find a variety of aviation topics covering all training needs for Aerodrome Operators, Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers.
We proudly present two new course topics with updated EASA content on our wide-ranging training schedule: <link training item change-management-in-accordance-with-eueasa-requirements management in accordance with eu easa>
Change Management in accordance with EU/EASA requirements is aimed at aerodrome operators and inspectors and focuses on the knowledge and tools needed for maintaining the relevant legal requirements during any organisational, operational or design change at an aerodrome.
<link training item demonstrating-and-maintaining-compliance-with-eueasa-aerodrome-requirements and maintaining compliance with eu easa aerodrome>Demonstrating and Maintaining Compliance with EU/EASA Aerodrome Requirements can be seen as a successor of our high-quality EASA certification course and gives valuable insights into the principles and practicalities of compliance monitoring.
If these new topics, or some of our other courses, have sparked your interest, you will be happy to hear that we are offering an early bird discount:
Save 5% on the fee of the 2018 courses by booking until January 25th!
We are looking forward to welcoming you to one of our courses or meeting you at an In-house training!
airsight's Training Schedule for 2018 is online
airsight's new course schedule for 2018 is now available online, including two new course topics with updated EASA content.