airsight News

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airsight Training Courses in Singapore

New Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and Other airsight Training Courses Now in Singapore!

airsight Training Courses in Singapore 2025

For the past two years, airsight Singapore Pte. Ltd. has made significant contributions to the aviation sector in the Asia-Pacific region, establishing a strong presence in Singapore. As we embark on our third year, we are excited to present our Asia-Pacific Training Schedule for 2025! This year, we offer five dynamic and relevant courses covering topics from Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) to Aviation Sustainability as well as Vertiports.

Our first training course of the 2025 season is Runway, Taxiway, Apron Planning and Design (ICAO Annex 14) in May. In addition, we are eagerly anticipating our essential Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS): Introduction of Current and Foreseen OLS training course, scheduled for July 1st to 3rd.

In October we will offer our highly relevant courses Obstacle Assessment and Aviation Sustainability & Environmental Impact of Airports. Our public training season in Singapore will conclude in November with Vertiports Planning and Design

We are excited to welcome you to one of our training sessions in Singapore. For comprehensive information on our public courses taking place in Singapore this year, please visit our dedicated airsight Asia-Pacific website or follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date and informed about courses and special offers.