Serving the aviation industry since 1999
The airsight portfolio includes topics such as aerodrome, heliport and vertiport certification, design, and operation as well as safety assessments, flight procedure design, obstacle assessments, sustainable aviation, compliance management and various training, inspection, and other services.

airsight Team
Our team of highly skilled and experienced individuals is composed of more than 50 employees and approx. 15 external consultants. airsight consultants are aeronautical and civil engineers, licensed commercial pilots, aviation lawyers, statistics and economic experts as well as software developers.
Our cross-disciplinary team enables us to deliver an integrated consulting approach and deliver practical, efficient and innovative solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.
- Holger Schulz (CEO & Co-Founder)
airsight is managed by experienced professionals with a passion for aviation, aiming to always exceed client's expectations and to ensure employees' and partners' satisfaction.

Holger Schulz
Professor; PhD Aeronautical Engineering
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Holger Schulz is the co-founder and managing director of airsight. He holds a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering. His doctorate on the subject of satellite-based precision approach procedures (GBAS) gained him international recognition by organisations such as the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO).
Since 2014 Mr. Schulz is an honorary professor in the field of "Airport Planning" at the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering and Transport Systems of the Technical University of Berlin for which he has held a teaching role for many years, specialising in "Airport Planning" and "Flight Procedure Design". Mr. Schulz is highly regarded amongst his peers on a national and international basis. His extensive experience ranges from comprehensive project and consulting experience to advising roles in various international bodies such as the Aerodromes Panel and the Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (IFPP, former OCP) of the ICAO, the Technical and Operational Safety Committee (TOSC), the Single European Sky (SES) Steering Group of Airport Council International (ACI), the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Mr. Schulz also holds a Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) and is a certified aviation auditor.

René Dörries
PhD Aeronautical Engineering
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
As managing director and co-founder of airsight René Dörries heads the departments of human resources and internal affairs and is responsible for the quality management of the company.
Mr. Dörries has many years of extensive project experience focusing on the subjects of aircraft noise, the design of noise abatement approach and landing procedures, obstacle assessments and collision risk determinations as well as safety assessments at airports.
He applied his wide ranging expertise in various aviation subjects such as air traffic control and flight operations as a lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin for many years and took an advising role in various international bodies such as the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and the ICAO Obstacle Clearance Panel.
Mr. Dörries has a doctorate from the Technical University of Berlin on establishing methodical criteria for satellite-based approach procedures.
Mr. Dörries is also a certified aviation auditor.

Florian Schmidt
Master of Science in Transport Engineering
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Florian joined airsight in 2003 after working with Frankfurt Airport. He was acting as COO after 2008 and is appointed as CEO since 2023. In that role, he oversees the divisions for safety & operations, safeguarding & flight procedure design, training as well as the airsight unit in Rome. Furthermore, he is responsible for human resources and business development.
He is an experienced aviation expert with a considerable amount of international knowledge gained in worldwide projects. During his 20+ years career, he has worked in more than 50 countries on four continents for clients such as Auckland, Singapore, Dubai and Toronto Airports.
Starting as an airport capacity specialist, he evolved to a flight procedure designer, a certified aviation lead auditor and focused on airport operations and safety. In addition to the numerous project and training assignments, he shared his comprehensive experience in advising roles with the Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (IFPP, former OCP) of the ICAO, EASA and Eurocontrol and is an appreciated speaker at worldwide conferences.

Reiko Schroeder
Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Reiko Schroeder joined airsight as airport planning engineer in 2002 after having worked as an independent airport consultant for some years. Mr. Schroeder progressed his career at airsight from project engineer and senior project manager in the consulting division to Chief Operating Officer (2008-2022), and CEO (since 2023). He is overseeing airsight’s activities in the consulting business, especially in the field of aerodrome, heliport and vertiport design and certification, sustainable aviation, and inspection services. Furthermore, he is responsible for the central corporate divisions of finance and control, and marketing.
His experience as a consultant ranges from managing various projects for international airports such as Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Vienna and Warsaw or for authorities (e.g. Civil Aviation Authorities of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
One focus of his expertise is on airport design and operations, especially operations in conjunction with construction works and maintenance as well as on the development of new consulting services in the field of upcoming topics like inspection services within the wind energy sector, the operation of future eVTOL aircraft and the compatibility of renewable energy installations and air traffic. He further works as certified aviation auditor and former lecturer for airport planning and design, Vertiports and EASA related trainings as well as member of UAM Task Force of Airport Council International (ACI) in Europe.
Facts and Figures
creation date
consulting projects conducted
ISO Certified Quality Management System