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Wind Farms vs. Concerns of the German Armed Forces

airsight supports project developers in the realisation of projects such as building wind farms while ensuring flight safety.

With heights of up to 250 metres and more, wind turbines represent general obstacles to aviation. Furthermore, such turbines are increasingly being planned in the vicinity of airfields and their flight routes.   

As a result, there is an increasing potential for conflict with civil aviation. Military aviation concerns are also regularly affected.  airsight offers project developers the necessary expert advice and support to take all aviation aspects into account.  

For example, several wind turbines were established near the Diepholz airbase, despite initial reservations on the part of the German Armed Forces. The planned turbines would have had an impact on several flight procedures and were therefore not eligible for approval. 

In a first step, the concerns were examined in detail and the effects of the planned wind turbines on established flight routes were analysed. As a result, proposals were developed as to how wind turbines could nevertheless be realised. In discussions with the German Armed Forces, potential adjustments to the existing flight procedures were pointed out and the possibility of new alternative flight procedures was also discussed. In close cooperation with the Bundeswehr, the adaptations and new flight procedures were developed in more detail, taking into account the interests of the German Armed Forces on the one hand, but also enabling new wind turbines on the other. 

This example shows how technical discussions and close cooperation with the parties involved, in this case the Bundeswehr, can help to reassess initial concerns and identify options for action and harmonise the interests of all stakeholders.  

airsight has already supported numerous project developers in the realisation of projects such as wind farms while ensuring flight safety. Our goal and added value is to find operational or technical solutions that meet the client's needs. If you have a project you would like to discuss with us, please contact us by email or visit our wind farms & turbines page