airsight News

You can find below a short overview of recent news related to airsight's services, projects, courses and software.

airsight and Krakow Airport team up for Airport Training Courses in Poland

We are excited to announce that we have entered into a new cooperation with Krakow Airport as part of our hosting partner programme.

airsight, the renowned provider of consulting and training services in the aviation sector, has announced a new cooperation with Krakow Airport. As part of airsight’s hosting partner programme, Krakow Airport will provide its state-of-the-art training centre to host airsight’s public training courses.

The first course will be Runway, Taxiway, Apron Planning and Design (EASA CS & GM), scheduled for October 23 to 26 in Krakow with airsight’s experienced trainer Hardy Springborn. The cooperation will also involve the development of more courses in the future, making Krakow Airport a suitable training location for all Polish airports. airsight is proud to be able to further strengthen its role as a leading provider of airport training in Europe through this collaboration. 

An undoubted attraction during the training itself is a visit to the host city Krakow. Krakow is the most popular tourist destination in Lesser Poland and offers visitors a wealth of historical and cultural attractions. 

This partnership is expected to benefit both parties and their clients, as well as enhance the quality and accessibility of airport training in the region. airsight and Krakow Airport are looking forward to welcoming participants from various airports and aviation organisations to their upcoming courses.